by Wicona
They say first impressions last – and in the case of homes and offices that applies especially to the front door, the building’s “calling card”. There can hardly be any other component of a structure that has to reconcile so many different criteria. Whether it is the door to a private house; a large entrance to an administrative building or a hotel; a fire protection door or emergency exit in a school, or a simple functional door for a manufacturing building: the technically-mature WICSTYLE profile systems, with their numerous opening types, versions and expansion options enable you to realise tailor-made door solutions for any situation.
For every case the right door solution thanks to the wide variety of systems
Various profile depths available with and without insulation, May also be equipped with automatic operation, multipoint locks, fingerprint sensors, door edge gap locks, surveillance cameras or alarm systems
Based on the WICONA Unisys principle: extensive freedom of design, high process safety, cost and time saving production, few tools required
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Bimstore on 23 February 2025
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