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Varanasi Window 3A SL

by Lallan Ji Upadhyay.

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Nested 3SL window having 1 frame of 3 Win bay & 1 Multi Light door panel choice. Wooden frame can be single or double rebate. If you do'nt need ventilator or Low Lite simply set their Ht to zero. Multi lite panel can be 1V x1H to 3V x 2H lites of glass or other solid material. There is a extra frame(2ndry frame) arroun multi lites, who's width can be zero by simply set Stile panel offset and rail panel offset to zero, if you do'nt need it. Swing of Vent leaf as well as window leaves are operable by setting 3D swing angle. Sunshed,Sill, & Side fins can be adjusted on/off etc. etc. Lallan Ji

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