• Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components,Lafarge,Tarmac,Concrete,floor,Artevia,toptint
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components,Lafarge,Tarmac,Concrete,floor,Artevia,toptint
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components,Lafarge,Tarmac,Concrete,floor,Artevia,toptint
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components,Lafarge,Tarmac,Concrete,floor,Artevia,toptint
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components,Lafarge,Tarmac,Concrete,floor,Artevia,toptint
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components,Lafarge,Tarmac,Concrete,floor,Artevia,toptint
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components,Lafarge,Tarmac,Concrete,floor,Artevia,toptint
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components,Lafarge,Tarmac,Concrete,floor,Artevia,toptint
  • 35.8k
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by Tarmac

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Tarmac’s Toptint readymix concrete offers a wide choice of specialist colours and finishes. The Toptint range is suitable for any flooring or surfacing application both internally and externally.

With this object Toptint can be implemented in internal spaces of a building utilising the aesthetic properties of Toptint as a coloured or polished flooring solution. For more information on other Toptint solutions see tarmac.com

This BIM download includes 5 colour variations of the Tarmac Toptint range. If your project requires a specific colour that you cannot find, our team will work with you to ensure we match it.

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit
  • Logo: Industry Foundation Class





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