by Quelfire
Intumescent pipe wraps to prevent the spread of fire through plastic pipes, where they penetrate fire compartment floors.
QWW Intuwraps consist of a high performance graphite based intumescent material within a polythene cover which reacts under the influence of heat to exert pressure on the pipe as it softens to form a carbonaceous char which provides an effective insulation plug thus preventing smoke and fire passing through to the adjoining compartment.
QWW Intuwraps are manufactured specifically to suit individual pipe diameters. The correct product is chosen by determining the outside diameter of the pipe. A QWW110/CE suits a 110mm outside diameter plastic pipe and a QWW50/CE suits a 50mm outside diameter plastic pipe for example.
The orange plastic sleeve is an integral part of the QWW Intuwrap so should not be removed. QWW Intuwraps have a self adhesive tap on one end which is used to secure the wrap around the pipe.
The QWW CE Marked Intuwrap can be installed within concrete floors around plastic pipes to maintain the fire compartment.
A lot of extra work and associated cost can be avoided by early coordination and good communication between all trades. For example where the correct diameter hole is diamond drilled, no shuttering will be required and installation is very simple requiring a simple backfill on top of the Intuwrap.
Where holes are incorrectly drilled oversize or larger square holes are left or formed then the hole will need shuttering and the whole penetration backfilling with QF2 Fire Protection Compound.
There must be no gap around the Intuwrap and the Intuwrap must be fitted flush with the underside of the concrete slab or fire seal.
For full installation details and step by step instructions see associated "Installation Instruction" document.
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Bimstore on 23 February 2025
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