• Bim, content,object,component,BIM, Store, Revit, stewart,milne,timber,systems,frame,flat,roof,loose,preassembled,structural,cassette,solid,I-beam,cold,warm,insulation,weather,proofing
  • Bim, content,object,component,BIM, Store, Revit, stewart,milne,timber,systems,frame,flat,roof,loose,preassembled,structural,cassette,solid,I-beam,cold,warm,insulation,weather,proofing
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Flat Roof Systems

by Donaldson Timber Systems

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Donaldson Timber Systems provides a wide range of loose format & pre-assembled structural floor cassettes suitable for flat roof applications in a variety of projects. Solutions include solid timber and I-beam joist formats, in either a cold roof or warm roof format.

Cold flat roof formats require the insulation and weather proofing above the structural deck and therefore provide a deeper build up, that needs to be considered in the design i.e. balcony or terraced roof applications, where level access and weathering up-stands are needed. Solutions to these are offered in loose joist format, with site fitting decking, firring pieces and weatherproofing, as well as pre-formed open structural floor cassette, with decking pre-fitted, to simplify construction on site.

Warm flat roof formats, have the insulation within the joist void and come as standard, pre-insulated and closed, with a temporary roofing membrane pre-fitted and services battens to the underside. Services are typically run below the cassette, in a separate ceiling void or batten space.

This download contains Revit components for the Donaldson Timber Systems concrete ground floor solutions. Content includes a number of variations including;

  • I-Beam and Solid Timber Joists
  • Cold Roof - Insulation above joists
  • Warm Roof - Insulation within joists
  • Loose joists or pre-insulated cassettes
  • 9no. flat roof type variations in total.

Please note Donaldson Timber Systems provides a complete in-house design service to assist architects and designers in the specification and modelling of your projects. Please contact Donaldson Timber Systems for additional guidance and to utilise this service.

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit





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