• Product: Clads - Exterior Grade Compact Laminates
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Greenlam Clads - Exterior Grade Compact Laminate – Solids

by Greenlam Industries ltd

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Greenlam, the market leader in decorative laminates in the Asian continent, offers an exclusive range of exterior grade compact laminates that are specially designed to beautify your exteriors. Constituted with special chemicals, our exterior HPL panels are manufactured using GLE technology that makes them resistant against fading, fire, extreme weather conditions, microbial threats and moisture. Claddings from Greenlam come with special fasteners which are made using non-corrosive materials like stainless steel and aluminum that offer better color fastening properties.

Suitable for vertical applications, ideal for rear-ventilated facades, facade claddings, balcony claddings, partitions, railings, fences, attic claddings, ceilings, public facilities, playgrounds and sports facilities.

Greenlam Clads have an entire range of exclusive collection of exterior grades on offer to give the outer surfaces a unique signature look.

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