• Bim, BIM, Store, Revit,Component,Object,Model,Fabricated, Products, Cleanvent, SS, CVA, Boiler, Air, Dirt,SS-CVA-separator,microbubbles,heating,chilled,water,systems
  • Bim, BIM, Store, Revit,Component,Object,Model,Fabricated, Products, Cleanvent, SS, CVA, Boiler, Air, Dirt,SS-CVA-separator,microbubbles,heating,chilled,water,systems
  • Bim, BIM, Store, Revit,Component,Object,Model,Fabricated, Products, Cleanvent, SS, CVA, Boiler, Air, Dirt,SS-CVA-separator,microbubbles,heating,chilled,water,systems
  • Bim, BIM, Store, Revit,Component,Object,Model,Fabricated, Products, Cleanvent, SS, CVA, Boiler, Air, Dirt,SS-CVA-separator,microbubbles,heating,chilled,water,systems
  • Bim, BIM, Store, Revit,Component,Object,Model,Fabricated, Products, Cleanvent, SS, CVA, Boiler, Air, Dirt,SS-CVA-separator,microbubbles,heating,chilled,water,systems
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Air Separator SS Cleanvent (SS-CVA)

by Fabricated Products Ltd

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The Cleanvent combines the removal of air and dirt through a single unit. Installed at the hottest point in the system, the Cleanvent will eliminate microbubbles from heating and chilled water systems. It is also used to remove dirt particles from heating and chilled water systems. Installed it will eliminate all dirt particles down to 5 microns.

The SS Cleanvent removes air / microbubbles. Installed at the hottest point in the system the SS Cleanvent will eliminate these microbubbles from heating and chilled water systems.

This download includes the Fabricated Products SS Cleanvent SS-CVA Air Separator in 11no. size variations ranging from SS CVA-50 up to SS CVA-400.

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