• Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Icopal, Monarplan, Warm, Roof, System, Fully, Adhered
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Icopal, Monarplan, Warm, Roof, System, Fully, Adhered
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Icopal, Monarplan, Warm, Roof, System, Fully, Adhered
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, Icopal, Monarplan, Warm, Roof, System, Fully, Adhered
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Monarplan Fully Adhered Warm Roof System

by Icopal Limited

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Monarplan is a flexible PVC (polyvinyl chloride) single ply membrane offering excellent characteristics of strength, elongation and weathering making it ideal for new build or refurbishment projects.

All Monarplan membranes are reinforced and are available with or without a fleece backing providing scope for all methods of application, such as mechanically fastened, adhered or loose laid and ballasted

This download includes the Monarplan Fully Adhered Warm Roof type in both colours, light grey and anthracite.

Rev 2 - Cobie parameters updated

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2 Revision

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