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Millennium Falcon

by Jake Hurst

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The Millennium Falcon, original designation YT-1300 492727ZED, was a Corellian YT-1300f light freighter most famously used by the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca during the Star Wars Galactic Civil War. In the time following the Battle of Endor, Imperial turncoat Ralsius Paldora noted that 2.2 out of every 300 stormtroopers were aware of the Falcon's existence.[38]

Its aged appearance belied numerous advanced modifications to boost the ship's speed, weapons, and shield, including a hyperdrive engine among the fastest in the entire galaxy, enabling it to outrun Imperial Star Destroyers. It included sensor-proof smuggling compartments, which were used during the rescue of Princess Leia Organa in 0 BBY to evade Imperial stormtroopers.[1] Afterwards, the Millennium Falcon saw further action when Solo chose to join the Rebels during the Battle of Yavin, where it was able to sneak up and fire on Darth Vader's TIE Advanced, allowing Luke Skywalker to fire the proton torpedo that destroyed the Death Star.

After Han was captured on Bespin, Lando took command of the Falcon once more to search for him. In 4 ABY, Lando flew the ship at the Battle of Endor, where it entered the Death Star II and destroyed it from within. Over the next decades, the ship fell out of Solo's hands and was stolen by a succession of criminals and thieves. It ended up back in Solo's hands in 34 ABY, after it was found on Jakku, a remote world in the Western Reaches.

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