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Leno (CLT) Roof System

by Metsä Wood

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Leno (CLT) provides large format, solid boards of timber, produced to exceptional dimensions of up to 4.8m x 20m with thicknesses between 50 and 300mm. The cross laminated timber panels are glued with a durable adhesive bond ensuring that building components are dimensionally stable and resistant to warping.

The most simple physical building constructions ensure the most economical usage in all areas of the building trade, whether it be standardised panels for ceilings, roofings or walls or a precisely pre-fabricated, ready-to-fit construction kit for entire buildings. The wooden core is completly torsion-resistant, long-lasting and due to the high degree of drying, it is also resistant to attacks from pests and fungus.

It is also a guarantee for an excellent room climate, moisture diffusion and excellent insulation properties.

This download is for the Leno (CLT) Roof System.

UPDATE - Rev 2 - Update Cobie parameters, Include Uniclass2015, Upgrade Revit Version

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2 Revision

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