• Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Object, Family, Drainage, CPM, Group, Ltd, Concrete, Manhole, Chamber, Ring, Cover, Slab, DN900, DN4000
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Object, Family, Drainage, CPM, Group, Ltd, Concrete, Manhole, Chamber, Ring, Cover, Slab, DN900, DN4000
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Object, Family, Drainage, CPM, Group, Ltd, Concrete, Manhole, Chamber, Ring, Cover, Slab, DN900, DN4000
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Object, Family, Drainage, CPM, Group, Ltd, Concrete, Manhole, Chamber, Ring, Cover, Slab, DN900, DN4000
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, Object, Family, Drainage, CPM, Group, Ltd, Concrete, Manhole, Chamber, Ring, Cover, Slab, DN900, DN4000
  • 46.7k
  • 1
  • 3.5 / 5
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Concrete Manhole

by Marshalls Plc

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CPM offer a range of standard heavy duty cover slabs from 900mm to 4000mm to BS EN 1917:2002/BS 5911-3:2010 as well as a wide range of standard specials which are outside the British and European standard but are regularly used throughout the industry as well as a bespoke range of 'one offs' that require that "extra special something".

The reinforced concrete 'biscuits' are used to cap a manhole chamber and provide a base for regulating brickwork or seating/adjusting rings prior to installing the manhole lid.

CPM precast concrete chamber rings are manufactured with tongue and groove joints and comply to BS EN 1917:2002/BS 5911-3:2010 and are supplied with three nominal 50mm diameter holes for lifting purposes:

This download includes the following components from CPM Group;

- Concrete Chamber Ring

- Concrete Cover Slab

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