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Automatic Sliding Door

by dormakaba

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Automatic Sliding Door

The DORMA Automatic Sliding Door incorporates the CONTUR design and is suitable for most sliding door applications. It fulfils every demand in terms of adaptability to different door widths, door weight capacity and functionality. The intelligent microprocessor within the operator measures the opening and closing speeds of the unit each time a cycle begins, ensuring the highest possible safety for users at all times.For real-time remote monitoring, DORVISION, an optional GPRS based wireless system concealed within the operator, can monitor each door location remotely via the internet incorporating the facility to lock / unlock doors, timed automatic locking, reset, diagnostic system check and to provide data capture on usage and performance.

The BIM object contains various options:

• Select from a single sliding, bi-parting or telescopic unit

• Available in combination with glass doors - with full frames, fine frames, frameless or with thermal break profile doors. Alternatively you can select ‘Secure’ system for use with access control or simply choose ‘operator only’ for use on doors supplied by others

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1 Revision

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Available Software
  • Logo: Autodesk Revit





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